Raw images, are they really better?

Most of the cameras nowadays have the capability to shoot raw images. They take a lot of space on memorycards, but they have a great advantage. Captures in jpg allowes more pictures on the same card but they contains less information than raw images. Of course many among us have nore the skill, nore the time to spend hours on post processing. Taking in account that a suitable program can cost a lot of money, most of the picture will be proccessed directly in the camera by creating jpg files.

The raw images contains exactly the light capured while pushing the button. All the colors and intensity of the scene are stored in one single file. All this information can be influenced through the post procces program.

Nikon delivers for free View NX, a ready and easy to use program. For those who will spend some money Adobe lightroom is the best you can get for an affordable price. Of course you need a computer to run the interface. The advantage of Lightroom is the extroardinary database included to store the images.

On android tablets Photo Mate R3 is available. The user-friendliness in both interfaces is almost equal. Just handle some sliders to develop the original image. Of course the lightroom interface goes farbeyond the classical knowledge of most amateur photographers. Even I know less than 20 % of lightroom’s capabilities and that’s ok. It offers me the possibility to learn and explore.

Do not be afraid to push the button or slide all the way , the effect of overacting can deliver some stunning compositions or even more strange abstracts.